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Acciona, S.A. (hereinafter, ACCIONA), in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and their free circulation, and other regulations in force in terms of Data Protection, makes available to the User/s of this website https://people-pre.acciona.com/ (hereinafter, the Page), the Privacy Policy that will apply in the processing of data personal data that the User voluntarily provides to access it.

ACCIONA informs the User of the Page that their personal data may only be obtained for processing when such data are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained. ACCIONA expresses its commitment to comply with the legislation in force at all times in terms of data protection.

Users expressly consent to ACCIONA processing the personal data provided by them for the purposes expressed here under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

ACCIONA adopts the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data contained therein and to prevent the alteration, loss or unauthorised processing of or access to such data, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the data and the risks to which the data are exposed. The User may also confirm the presence of the SSL certificate by checking the Website’s properties in your browser. A connection will be secure when “https://” appears in the browser’s address bar instead of “http://” and a padlock symbol is displayed. You can look up the features of this certificate in the Legal note section.

Users are solely responsible for the veracity and lawfulness of the personal data provided.


  • Company name: Acciona, S.A.
  • Tax ID: A08001851
  • Address: Avenida de Europa, 18, Parque empresarial La Moraleja, 28108 de Alcobendas (Madrid).
  • Telephone: +34 91 663 28 50
  • Contact e-mail address: accionacorp@acciona.com

The User may contact the Data Protection Department to resolve their doubts related to the processing of their personal data at the same postal address provided or through the email address protecciondedatos@acciona.com.


Personal data are considered to be data that identify persons or that may be used to identify them.

We can collect personal data indirectly provided by the User through their visit to the Website (through the cookies configured by the User), or directly when the User subscribes to our Newsletter.

Among the data categories that we will process are the identification and contact details: email address and IP address and, in the event that the User consents, data regarding their browsing preferences and content.



ACCIONA collects and processes the personal data of the Website User with the following purposes:

  • The data collected indirectly from the User is processed to analyse the use made of our Website in accordance with how they have been configured. You have more detailed information in the Cookies section of this website.

The legitimate basis for this processing is the consent granted by the User when configuring Cookies.

  • The data related to the email address provided by the User, in the event that they subscribe to our Newsletter, will be processed so that they can receive it.

The legal basis of the processing is the consent given by the User by reading and accepting the information on data protection available.


In general, the data will be kept i) for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected and ii) during the applicable limitation periods, if liabilities might be incurred as the result of the processing.

As a special instance, the data collected based on the consent of the User, as in the case of the subscription to the Newsletter or Cookies, will be kept as long as it is not withdrawn.

In the case of the Newsletter, the User may unsubscribe at any time via the communication itself.

In the case of Cookies, the User may at any time modify their preferences by clicking on Cookies.


At ACCIONA we undertake not to transfer or disclose our Users’ personal information except as described in this Privacy Policy or, where applicable, at the time of collection of the data.

  • We may exchange personal information with service providers that are ACCIONA companies (you can check the composition of ACCIONA at all times in the report of the latest consolidated annual accounts, https://www.acciona.com/es/accionistas-inversores/informacion-financiera/cuentas-anuales/), or third parties, in some cases contracted to perform services on our behalf. In these cases, the corresponding data processor agreements are signed whenever necessary, as established by the regulations on matters relating to data protection.
  • We may disclose the User’s personal information (1) if we are permitted or required to do so by law or by a process of law (such as a court order or subpoena); (2) to law enforcement agencies or other public officials to comply with a lawful and legitimate request; (3) whenever we consider this necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss; (4) to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights; (5) in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraud or illegal activity; or (6) with Users’ express and informed consent.

Likewise, ACCIONA would inform you that some of these service providers, third parties or Group companies may be located in territories outside the European Economic Area that do not provide a level of data protection comparable to that of the European Union. In such cases we transfer Users’ data with appropriate safeguards, maintaining at all times the security of such data; these may include the formulation of Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the Commission, the content of which may be examined by clicking on the following link: https: // ec .europa.eu / info / law / law-topic / data-protection / international-dimension-data-protection / standard-contractual-clauses-scc_es.


Users may exercise their rights of access to or rectification, erasure or portability of their data, and/or the restriction of or objection to the processing of such data, by contacting the corresponding Data Controller, by writing to the Personal Data Protection Department at Avenida de Europa, 18, Parque Empresarial La Moraleja, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) or by sending the form available at the following link :


If we consider this necessary to be able to identify you, we may request a copy of a document that proves your identity.

Likewise, the User may at any time withdraw the consent given by writing to the address indicated above, as well as, if appropriate, by complaining to the Supervisory Authority (in Spain, the Spanish Data Protection Agency www.aepd.es ).



Below the User will find a series of links to further information on the specific processing of personal data. You will also find information about the website in the Legal notice.


The User can obtain further information on the processing of personal data by ACCIONA at https://www.acciona.com/privacy-policy/

  • Ethical channel   

We have a reporting channel, known as the Ethical Channel, in which both employees and providers or third parties can confidentially report any breach of which they are aware. The User can examine all the information on this processing in full at

Compliance, Ethics and Integrity | ACCIONA | Business as unusual


Any change made to the Privacy Policy and to information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, with ACCIONA being permitted to add, modify or remove the said Privacy Policy whenever it deems this necessary.

This Privacy Policy is published in Spanish and English; in case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Spanish version will prevail.


Last updated on November 3, 2021

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