If you are studying your previous-to-last year of a Bachelor or Master degree, willing to learn about sustainable solutions and have a good time together with other peers, this program...
We plan many things throughout our personal life. Some of them over the long-term, such as the degree we’re going to study or the house we would like to own....
In a communicative process, just a little percentage of the information is conveyed through verbal language. In particular, according to experts, up to 80 % of what we transmit is...
How to create a good LinkedIn profile when you have no working experience There’s a bitter-sweet scene in The Grapes of Wrath where the head of the family approaches a...
What questions should be asked during a job interview? The Socratic method was basically teaching by making questions. In fact, a good question will always be more compelling than a...
You are at a time in your career in which you wouldn’t mind taking a leap towards an improvement in your labour situation, but… what are you doing in order...
Job search is a process that is a profession itself: it requires discipline, commitment and establishing professional contacts. This is because the most required skills by companies when selecting their candidates are...
Here is the second release of the tips to improve your resume. You can also read the first part we recently published in this blog: 6. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Adding your personal tastes,...
What should be our presentation card when introducing ourselves to the companies is often one of our greatest enemies. Usually, the human resources departments have a limited time for all the amount...