The way to manage talent burnout within the company During the 1970s, American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger made a valuable contribution to occupational medicine when, after an experiment with volunteers, he...
Having several versions of a printed document, losing it or simply not knowing exactly where we have filed it can have grave consequences for the company. We tell you how...
The benefits of the hot desking flexible working model go beyond convenience. This new hybrid system between remote and face-to-face working has advantages for both employees and the company, as...
Not all minds are equally receptive to changes in their work and personal lives, and companies need to rethink synergies in order to protect the mental health of those professionals...
Leaders in their fields, renowned politicians and entrepreneurs on the Forbes list. Baby boomers dominate the world, including the professional world… What are baby boomers like at work and how...
Do we like it when we receive a few words of gratitude and compliments in our daily tasks at work? The answer, more than obvious, can be the reason behind...
The inclusion of naturalistic and kinaesthetic skills in the creation of diverse teams strengthens the consolidation of the multidisciplinary and complementary business model, in which multiple intelligences are taken into...
In one of the most difficult times in history, equality at work must remain in focus in order not to undo the progress made and to ensure a successful recovery....